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Just bought the LaFerrari Optionen
#1 Geschrieben : Freitag, 15. Januar 2021 14:47:19 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
Beiträge: 39
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Just bought the LaFerrari. Keep up the good work with the official build. I'm going to need it as I don't read German. Or is there an English version of the instructions? I've built the Senna McLaren and am currently building the Ford GT40. Looking forward to building the LaFerrari.
#2 Geschrieben : Freitag, 15. Januar 2021 15:46:06 Zitat

Rang: Pro

purple medal: Medaille für 1000 postsTurquoise medal for creating a model making know-how topic: know-how topicorange medall for 500 posts: orange medall for 500 postsBlue medal for Model build: model buildPublisher medal: Publisher MedalRed Medal: Red MedalOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding build
Gruppe: registriert

Mitglied seit: 13.03.2012
Beiträge: 3.330
Punkte: 25.748
Wohnort: Germany
davidyat schrieb:
Just bought the LaFerrari. Keep up the good work with the official build. I'm going to need it as I don't read German. Or is there an English version of the instructions? I've built the Senna McLaren and am currently building the Ford GT40. Looking forward to building the LaFerrari.

Hi David
That’s great news,
unfortunately there is no English version. But if you have any questions or need support, please write it here in English, that shouldn't be a problem.
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Forum Support Team


#3 Geschrieben : Freitag, 15. Januar 2021 19:49:47 Zitat

Rang: Vicemaster

Blue medal for Model build: model buildRed Medal: Red Medal
Gruppe: Registered, Forum Support Team, Forum Support Team Germany, Administrator, Official Builds, Tech Support, Moderator, registriert

Mitglied seit: 26.09.2016
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Wohnort: Berlin
hello David,

Congratulations. you got a great model

of course i will continue with the report if you have a question,
no problem at all, andreas and i will be happy to help you and everyone else,
if you have any questions just ask

greetings stefan
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Forum Support Team




MfG Stefan
#4 Geschrieben : Sonntag, 17. Januar 2021 14:56:30 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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Thank you for your support. I'm probably going to need it. What concerns me here in the US, is the declining interest in model building. Model stores are going out of business because the younger people here just don't want to do it.
#5 Geschrieben : Sonntag, 17. Januar 2021 17:52:23 Zitat

Rang: Pro

purple medal: Medaille für 1000 postsTurquoise medal for creating a model making know-how topic: know-how topicorange medall for 500 posts: orange medall for 500 postsBlue medal for Model build: model buildPublisher medal: Publisher MedalRed Medal: Red MedalOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding build
Gruppe: registriert

Mitglied seit: 13.03.2012
Beiträge: 3.330
Punkte: 25.748
Wohnort: Germany
davidyat schrieb:
Thank you for your support. I'm probably going to need it. What concerns me here in the US, is the declining interest in model building. Model stores are going out of business because the younger people here just don't want to do it.

Hi David,
we cannot understand. Here in DE the model building business is exploding. There are hardly any accessories left. But is due to the situation. We're getting an even tougher lockdown now, with a curfew. So people sit at home and want to do something.


Alle Berichte sowie alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung/Zustimmung meinerseits. © Andreas

Forum Support Team


#6 Geschrieben : Samstag, 23. Januar 2021 14:13:10 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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That's great news that modeling interest is alive and well in Europe. I wonder if our problem here in the States is the "me" generation. There are a lot of parents who give their kids anything on demand. The children are not taught to "work" for something. Kids here are given "participation" trophies just for showing up. They want instant gratification. You can't just open a model box and expect it to be built in 2 1/2 hours. You take days, even months, to assemble one. It took me almost 3 years to build the Model Space Senna McLaren, but every time I look at it now, I appreciate it even more. I was helping my nephew at a model car racing event. He lost in one of the races. I said let's go home and make the car better for next year. I wasn't allowed to leave until he got his participation trophy. I was ready to explode but didn't want to embarrass my nephew. In my old age I've learned to "accept" today's world, but I don't have to like it.
#7 Geschrieben : Samstag, 23. Januar 2021 15:15:01 Zitat

Rang: Pro

purple medal: Medaille für 1000 postsTurquoise medal for creating a model making know-how topic: know-how topicorange medall for 500 posts: orange medall for 500 postsBlue medal for Model build: model buildPublisher medal: Publisher MedalRed Medal: Red MedalOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding build
Gruppe: registriert

Mitglied seit: 13.03.2012
Beiträge: 3.330
Punkte: 25.748
Wohnort: Germany

Hi David,
the interest in model making is also due to our situation. We have a lockdown here until February 15th. Federal states have a curfew. The schools are closed. The children suffer. Are not allowed to meet friends, and otherwise not be outside and play with friends. So people buy something to keep themselves and their children busy. I also think it's a good way to get through the difficult times we have and hope it will get better around the world as soon as possible.

best Andreas
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Forum Support Team


#8 Geschrieben : Mittwoch, 3. März 2021 20:04:48 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
Beiträge: 39
Punkte: 123
I'm excited. My Laferrari just arrived. Flapper Flapper Flapper Now the fun begins!!!
#9 Geschrieben : Mittwoch, 3. März 2021 20:11:03 Zitat

Rang: Vicemaster

Blue medal for Model build: model buildRed Medal: Red Medal
Gruppe: Registered, Forum Support Team, Forum Support Team Germany, Administrator, Official Builds, Tech Support, Moderator, registriert

Mitglied seit: 26.09.2016
Beiträge: 715
Punkte: 2.160
Wohnort: Berlin
Hi Dave,

Great, then have fun and happy building ThumpUp ThumpUp ThumpUp

Greetings from Germany, Stefan
Alle Berichte sowie alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung/Zustimmung meinerseits. © Stefan

Forum Support Team




MfG Stefan
#10 Geschrieben : Mittwoch, 3. März 2021 23:50:48 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
Beiträge: 39
Punkte: 123
I think your visual build is going to be a God send for me. With you showing what the bags and blister packs look like for Pack 1 and so on is very helpful. I have gotten the whole model all at once, with everything in a big box. Nothing is categorized as Pack 1, 2, 3 and so on. It's just a big box with all the individual bags tossed in. I will take the next week or so, looking at what you show as the first bag or blister pack and so on, will help me. I'll take a Sharpie felt tip pen, find the first bag, label it 1, then on to 2, etc. Once I get everything in proper order then I can start. The fun part is to label all the screws correctly.
#11 Geschrieben : Donnerstag, 4. März 2021 08:16:40 Zitat

Rang: Pro

purple medal: Medaille für 1000 postsTurquoise medal for creating a model making know-how topic: know-how topicorange medall for 500 posts: orange medall for 500 postsBlue medal for Model build: model buildPublisher medal: Publisher MedalRed Medal: Red MedalOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding build
Gruppe: registriert

Mitglied seit: 13.03.2012
Beiträge: 3.330
Punkte: 25.748
Wohnort: Germany
Hi Dave,
nice that it worked out. The construction reports from Wabie (Stefan) will help you a lot. But I have sent you a WeTransfer with all the building instructions 1-12 from the LaFerrari for download on your private e-mail address. They're in German, but you should be able to do it with google.

best Andreas
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Forum Support Team


#12 Geschrieben : Donnerstag, 4. März 2021 15:32:39 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
Beiträge: 39
Punkte: 123
Thanks for the files. I did get a flash drive with the whole kit and their instructions are in Russian. But as you know, "Real men don't need instructions"Love Love Love Love When you've been doing models for over 65 years, you really don't need instructions, only pictures of what to do.
#13 Geschrieben : Donnerstag, 4. März 2021 16:30:11 Zitat

Rang: Pro

purple medal: Medaille für 1000 postsTurquoise medal for creating a model making know-how topic: know-how topicorange medall for 500 posts: orange medall for 500 postsBlue medal for Model build: model buildPublisher medal: Publisher MedalRed Medal: Red MedalOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding build
Gruppe: registriert

Mitglied seit: 13.03.2012
Beiträge: 3.330
Punkte: 25.748
Wohnort: Germany
davidyat schrieb:
Thanks for the files. I did get a flash drive with the whole kit and their instructions are in Russian. But as you know, "Real men don't need instructions"Love Love Love Love When you've been doing models for over 65 years, you really don't need instructions, only pictures of what to do.

Hi Dave
but only one information that is not explained anywhere in the pictures. The motors of the doors is a very big problem case. Very, very many users made mistakes here, and the end was that the doors did not work,and the Door motors were faulty. When you are ready and the doors are hanging in the frame, then you absolutely have to stick them to the frame with adhesive tape. You absolutely have to be. Then you hang up the motors. They are already set to zero at the factory. Then you test the doors. If the doors work, stick them back on with tape until the car is completely assembled. You will turn the car over and over a few times. I only say it because when the gears on the motors are worn out, you will find it difficult to get new ones. There are two different motors for left and right, this depends on the installation angle. As I said, that is a focus of the model. Good luck!

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#14 Geschrieben : Freitag, 5. März 2021 15:15:09 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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Punkte: 123
Thanks Andreas. If you think of any other advice that isn't in the instructions, please let me know. I'm old enough now to realize, "I don't know everything"!!! And I'm willing to listen.
#15 Geschrieben : Samstag, 6. März 2021 17:32:41 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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Punkte: 123
Andreas or Wabie,
OK, I pulled out Pack 1, Stage 1. Put on my rubber surgical gloves and put the Ferrari logo into the front section. I see my gloves put a small smudge on the front section. Wabie, what gloves are you using and where can I get them? I don't want to constantly buffing out smudges on the model. Also, how do I put pictures into a posting? I'll see what happens after I clicked on "Attach images" and then send.
IMG_5401[1].JPG (2.819kb) 17x heruntergeladen.
IMG_5403[1].JPG (2.825kb) 13x heruntergeladen.
#16 Geschrieben : Samstag, 6. März 2021 17:36:37 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

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Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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OK, I see you insert pictures AFTER you click send.
#17 Geschrieben : Samstag, 6. März 2021 17:55:49 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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Wabie, I see your impressive screwdriver set. Who makes in and where do you think I can find them?
#18 Geschrieben : Samstag, 6. März 2021 18:23:39 Zitat

Rang: Vicemaster

Blue medal for Model build: model buildRed Medal: Red Medal
Gruppe: Registered, Forum Support Team, Forum Support Team Germany, Administrator, Official Builds, Tech Support, Moderator, registriert

Mitglied seit: 26.09.2016
Beiträge: 715
Punkte: 2.160
Wohnort: Berlin
Hello Dave,

Here from Modell-Space


but it's sold out

Here from Amazon,


The gloves,


Greetings Stefan

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MfG Stefan
#19 Geschrieben : Sonntag, 7. März 2021 17:15:09 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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Thanks, found them on eBay USA. Just ordered a set.
#20 Geschrieben : Montag, 8. März 2021 20:43:42 Zitat

Rang: Amateur Level 1

Gruppe: Registered

Mitglied seit: 12.05.2020
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I managed to make it through Pack 1 without any major problems. Then I started Pack 2. I'm trying to get my eye balls back straight in their sockets in my head. Getting all those cylinder head, chrome, bolts into their proper locations was challenging to say the least. At least they give you spares. One of the bolts snapped out of my tweezers and went somewhere on my bench, never to be seen again. At least I have a lighted magnifying lens so I can at least see the small parts!!!
IMG_5404[1].JPG (1.996kb) 24x heruntergeladen.
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